Dear Alumni,
If you think HCA was ready to say goodbye to you on your graduation night, think again! The faculty and staff want to stay in touch with you—and the HCA Alumni Network is our tool to reconnect with you and over 1,600 graduates (since 1974!) who once made memories and relationships here.
Once you join our Alumni Network, we can communicate with you through e-mails, newsletters, and get-togethers. We’d like to keep you informed about special student events on campus, class reunion events, new ways to stay involved, and opportunities to support HCA. You are also welcome to come visit Highlands and your favorite teachers. (Simply stop by the Main School Office for a visitor pass when you arrive.)
To join the HCA Alumni Network, please fill out your contact information below. If you would rather email us, you can do so at info@highlandschristian.org. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Your Alma Mater